Näituseprojekt "Ilming" Tallinnas Draakoni galeriis, 2017
Näituse kujundus: Andra Aaloe
Fotod: Peeter Sirge ja Anu Vahtra
An exhibition "Emerging" in Draakoni Gallery in Tallinn in 2017
Design: Andra Aaloe
Exhibition photos: Peeter Sirge and Anu Vahtra

Miski, mis kerkib esile eimiskist, tuleb nähtavale olemise sügavusest.
„Maalisin hetki, kus valgus mängib varjuga, kerkides esile hämarusest. Keskendusin kahekõnele. Ühte pole teiseta. Alati koos ja käsikäes, luues end läbi teineteise moodustavad nad terviku.
Olen kujutanud hetki, mis on mind lummanud ja endasse haaranud. Harmoonia ja ilu tajumine neis toob hetkega kohale nagu sõrmenips. Justkui väravad või uksed viivad need hetked teise tunnetusse. Raputavad lahti sissetallatud radadelt. Kogen avardumist, ühendust ümbritsevaga, koosolemist. Selles on kergendus ja rahu.
Mul on soov jagada, mida näen ja kogen. Soovin, et see looks rahu ka teis. Ja rohkem mul ei olegi midagi öelda.”
Something that emerges from nothing, surfaces from the depths of being.
I painted moments where light played with the shadow emerging from dusk. I concentrated on a dialogue. One won't exist without another. Always together, hand in hand, while creating each other through each other and forming a whole. I have depicted moments that have fascinated and bewitched me. Just like a finger snap, perceiving harmony and beauty in these moments makes one immediately aware. The moments turn to bridges or doors leading to another cognition and shaking off routine. I experience the feelings of opening up, connecting with the surrounding, co-existence. I feel relief and peace, the need for sharing what I see and experience. I wish this would bring peace to you as well. And that is all I've got to say.

"Emerging" / "Ilming", 60 x 50 cm, oil on canvas

Photos: Eleriin Ello