eleriin ello

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This series of paintings was a part of my master's degree project “Expedition to the forest of uncomfortable familiarity”.

Maaliseeria, mis valmis osana magistritööst "Retk ebamugava tuttavlikkuse metsa" .

"About Memory" / "Mälu küsimus", 120 x 96 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

"I could see only darkness there" / "Seal paistis ainult pimedus mulle vastu", 120 x 96 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

"Of course I eat apple seeds" / "Loomulikult söön ma õunaseemneid", 120 x 96 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

"Scene on the beach" / "Stseen rannas", 120 x 96 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

"Sweet kiss" / "Magus musi", 120 x 96 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

"Unexpected encounter in the forest" / "Ootamatud kohtumised laanemetsas", 120 x 96 cm, oil on canvas, 2010

Wave aaahh! adrenaline" / "Laine aahhh. adrenaliin", 120 x 96 cm, oil on canvas, 2010